Glad you found Tibetan thinking helpful in your life. As you know, I’m a Buddhist and have been healed from my meditations and spiritual practice following the teaching. I’ll be going to Tibet this year for a week to learn more about meditation and get a glimpse into my future by meditating with a high level Buddhist monk there.

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Sure, I’ll do it just for you. 😊

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Ooh! Will you make a post with pix about your trip? I would love to see that!

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There is an excellent book written for the Western mind by Sogyal Rinpoche of a great line of Tibetan teachers, called "The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying". (published 1992 by Harper-Collins).

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I have always been curious about the Book of the Dead, but havent taken the time to explore and understand it. Thank you for providing those video links, I will definitely check them out. That last one about the Yogis I think I started to watch a long time ago. Some of this stuff goes over my head because I lack the proper context, so I intend to learn about this more.

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You come to a page entitled Boodicca and preach a middle eastern religion? Do you have any idea who Boudica (aka Boadicea) actually was? Obviously not. She was the Queen of the Celtic tribe, Iceni. She was associated with the Druids, pre-Christianity. She fought to her death to drive the Romans out of Britain.

Christianity is a product of the Roman Empire! It is based entirely upon writings added to the Jewish Bible by Roman/Greek writers who worked at least 200 years after the claimed life of it's protagonist named (variously) as Jesus, Yeshua, Joshua et al.

You can find information about how and why this form of propaganda served the Roman Empire here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-true-authorship-of-the-new-testament

And here is another alternative treatise: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/who-was-the-fisher-of-men worthy of consideration.

To abuse my hospitality further, you insult every philosophy east of the river Jordan too!

Do NOT come here and inflict your personal limitations upon me or my readers!

Some people are very interested in hearing the beliefs and views of other cultures and do not set out to impose a TOTALITARIAN regime on everyone's thinking!

You should be ashamed, but you clearly are PROUD to be such a tyrant!

Go away. If you do not I will block you. I hope that is CLEAR.

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And Jesus can go to hell too. He's the spawn of Lucifer and the whore Mary.

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Go fuck yourself. You're the one telling me I can't tell people the truth. The druids are pagans and worshipped Satan.

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You are 100% full of shit. Reincarnation isn't real. Never has been, never will be.

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You are 100% terrified of anything that challenges your personal views.

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They're aren't my views. It's what God said.

"Superstitions from the east" is what God calls them.

There's no such thing as reincarnation. It's all baalshit.

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When did your God ‘say’ this to you Frank? Were you high at the time?

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Wow, wow, wow!!! An excellent video, from one who has only been meditating for 6 months. Thank you Frances. It is strange because I was very recently led to the books of Maurice Barbanell and in particular to one edited by his wife (Sylvia) called 'Silver Birch Speaks', published 1949; 1952; and 1980. Not easy to find. Suffice to say Silver Birch says much the same but not as detailed (so far) in practice. Just saying xx

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Please find corrections



Another reference too - an appreciation of Adi Da


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It is impossible to transcend ones hell-deep fear death by reading and even intensive study of any book - such transcendence requires profound Sadhana or Spiritual Practice under the guidance of a Spiritual Master

The book introduced below far surpasses anything communicated in the Tibetan Book o the Dead

http://www.easybook.com/purpose.asp note the beautiful prose.

This reference provides a unique understanding of the Ego's Fear of Death


The author was acknowledged as the Dharma Bearer by the Sixteenth (Buddhist) Karmapa as described below. On the basis of this recognition/encounter Adi Da & The Karmapa agreed to meet up face-to-face in the near future. Unfortunately the Karmapa dies before this happened.


Adi Da had great affinity for the Buddhist Dharma. His bedroom, living room had several extraordinary Thangka's on the wall and various other pieces of Tibetan Art too.

He also had profound affinity for the Hindu Durga Goddess. In fact he had statues of the Durga specially made for his World Blessing Work. They were installed in his Sukra Kendras which were set apart private Sacred Temples wherein he sat face-to-face with the Durga, and had conversations with The Goddess.

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The first and the third links are not working, Jonathan.

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Happy 2025 Frances.

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The year the people come together and unite.

The year divide and conquer fails.

The year all the people wake up.

The year the billionaires loose control.

The year of the people.

If we all unite we can all be free.


Happy New Year!

PS have you joined CABI Frances?

We are just expanding Kernow to include Dorset as well and organising some meetings for all the rebels!


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I recommend the version by Chogyam Trungpa and Francesca Fremantle, an Englishwoman who studied with him and died recently. The Surmang Trungpas are the lineage which composed the Tibetan Book of the Dead. I also studied with Trungpa for many years until he died. He didn't talk about the book much, rather worked to make everyday life an extremely vivid, wakeful affair which is the same thing really.

One of his favourite games was to sneak up behind someone who was lost in thought and therefore spaced out, unaware, and shout 'BOO!' making them jump out of their skin. Although a joke, it is also bardo training.

The book is also traditionally read into a recently dead person's ear. Of course it works best if it's to someone who has already studied the whole approach and perspective already. Anyway, thanks for the reminder.

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You may know of this, but in case you don't you may like to know of it. Autistic 'spellers' write out a world / dimension beyond that of the neurotypical, with great consistancy across nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPNnGhJHq8I

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