
When I go, I want to dissolve and melt into the air

To spread myself upon this earth in finest dust so rare.

I want to be at one with life, recycled on and on

Forever here, forever fair, forever shone upon

by sun and moon and far off stars, I want to be at home

and sharing all I have ever been with whom I may become.

Frances Leader (13/11/2015)


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Light waves don’t bend, sorry. Nor do radio waves. Also, water doesn’t curve or stick to spinning balls.

You have some rethinking to do.

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Space itself is bendy and so, therefore, is everything within it. YOU have some rethinking to do, chum…..

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Thank you, Frances! Anxious to watch this. 🌏🩷

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Sep 12Liked by Frances Leader

Wow, yes! This feels like I knew it always...

But I have to break it into two parts-- I don't want to cry with joy in the library, so my nose is running just as if I were crying... lol!

But yes, it's Truthy! Thank you, Franita! xo xo

Some job possibilities today, and the one I thought might be THE ONE, is not the one. ;)

It will come.

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Sep 8Liked by Frances Leader

A wonderful film, tying the work of disparate investigators and practitioners together to show us statistically significant evidence of Oneness. All of them have retired or removed themselves from the 'world' to explore how consciousness may be cultivated and focused to affect/effect our realm. For years I have followed several of the scientists, notably, John Stuart Reid (who worked with the singing Dane to cure compromised blood); music and frequencies that heal!!! No wonder these enlightened individuals are given negative air time: shares in snake oil would tank over night 🤣. I love the fact that several of the scientists work from home. It reminds me of men in their garages demonstrating free energy and wotnot. I have no doubt that these people are the trail blazers of our future. Thank you, Frances x

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Sep 8Liked by Frances Leader

You become what you think about. Your mind is a garden, what are you planting in it on a regular basis?

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Author

Well, today I have listened to a number of videos. The first couple were hilarious in sophist style. Then I watched a 2001 film about an aircraft which was fitted with an EMF weapon and wound up sinking in the ocean. Then I topped that off with Robinson Crusoe series because I love all his lo-tech gadgets!

In between I planted some tomato seeds in egg boxes on my window sill.

As for what I am planting in my mind on a regular basis - I would say that consists mainly of devising ways to bust bullshitter's butts.

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Sep 9Liked by Frances Leader

Busting butts, that sounds like a rewarding mindset. Go get ‘em! 💪

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Frances Leader

It's Hard for the physics dilettante to comprehend that time, is a human construct with human term and terminology, based on their own mortal lot.

It is the same time, ALL THE TIME ..we are just cast into it for our time.

...We have been trained to believe in a beginning, a middle and an end, because that is our conscious life so we think time and matter the universe and everything has a beginning and an end just like us.

The notion of ALWAYS THERE, is too hard for the misinformed.

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Beautifully said! xx

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

Bless your heart Frances!!!🥰

I played this all through dinner.

It was awesome! Thank you

Music was my early life , my mother was a church pipe organist

so I grew up in the choir loft. I played several instruments through school . So I bought a Native American Indian flute from its maker just before Covid struck.

I decided to use the lockdown as a

Perfect time to go on zoom and take lessons to play it. Then I bought a second one! In my next life I want to tour with one of these

Amazing orchestras?

How about you? Are you a musician?

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No, but my home has always been full of music. My husband played guitar, my son does too.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

What if the paranormal events that some of us experience are proof that we live in an advanced AI virtual reality simulation?

Of course this would mean that everything is predetermined.

There is only the pre-programmed perception of choice.

This seems more plausible than the attempts to manipulate us via spirituality into another type of religion where we give away our agency to a "higher power."

Is this Simulation, including reincarnation, a trap? I think so. What's the point of erasing our memory at the start of a new human incarnation? How is "karma" effective if we can't remember our transgressions?

As a whistle-blower against psychopaths in positions of power, my life has been sabotaged and I am harassed daily by local/federal police, CSIS, Palantir and AI despite never having been charged with a crime. I will not agree to another life because I suspect that the controllers will arrange it so that I suffer even more in my next life. No thanks.


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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

I don’t think anything is pre-determined because every nano-second is an opportunity for choice. I won’t be giving away my power to any ‘higher power’.

I have a fondness for reincarnation and I suspect that the unconscious mind remembers all lives, accounting for those weird déjà vu moments we all have from time to time. I have a tremendous fear of heights with no origin, as far as I know.

Imagine gaining consciousness, as a new born, burdened with all the hang-ups, guilt and angst of a million previous lives! That would be completely unbearable…. especially if you had come back as a dog or a bat. Very confusing and distracting.

Maybe the concept of karma is also misunderstood. It isn’t punishment or reward or even a teaching tool. It feels more like cause and effect, therefore pretty much inevitable.

Because you have experienced persecution in this life, you imagine that the controllers can, in some way, influence your future reincarnations?

I doubt that they can even influence their own! That might be why they are nihilists, terrified of death and determined to find immortality via tech singularity or uploading their psycho nonsensical minds into ‘the cloud’….

Surely it is clear to you that they are trapped in a materialistic fear? They have lost the spiritual war already. They just don’t know it.

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"find immortality via tech singularity or uploading their psycho nonsensical minds into ‘the cloud’"

A computer full of seriously insane minds. That's gonna be a hellish place, but I doubt they'll think of that before they set off; so convinced are they of their own rightness. How do you tell them that they haven't even begun to wake up yet, and are actually on the very bottom rung of the ladder?

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

Have been involved in this field all of my life so I recognize Greg and especially Lee Carroll and Kryon.

This is so important for everyone to watch and comprehend ! We all are fighting the fear factor when it’s being blasted at us constantly!

If all people can visualize the world at peace and with love we can make it happen!

I love to watch music videos of Yanni and Andre Rieu and look at the joy on the faces in the crowd!

People in every country join in to experience the music. It’s pure magic .

We should all make music instead of war?

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

Loved it, thanks for flagging Frances 🙏

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

According to Dolores Cannon, thoughts travel instantaneoustly, there is no "Time" travel for that !!!!!

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I would agree with Dolores!

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

This is what being IMMORTAL is all about!

The beauty of human intelligence. The ability to manifest and create.

Thanks for sharing.

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

Really enjoyed this. I watched the whole video and the scientific experiments confirm what I have believed in for years. That our thoughts are energy and powerful.

Little bit concerned about one thing the Kyron said towards the end of the video. But then i’ve been concerned about the same thing since I was 5.

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Well? What is the ‘one thing’?

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Sep 8Liked by Frances Leader

Talk about leaving us dangling! 😅

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

I’m looking forward to watching this show later! It looks right up my alley! Thank you Frances! 💜

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Sep 7Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances. I certainly have a lot of the right stuff to catch up on!

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