Everything you described is not only be occult and spiritualism.. It's deadly. Edgar Casey died in a very painful sick way. The mediums all go the same way, but not before they take other victims with them.

What you're describing is completely satanic, very dangerous.. lethal. I have 50 years of watching people slip into its maw and be destroyed.

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According to the available information, Cayce suffered a heart attack on January 2, 1945, and died the following day. This event occurred just a few months before his wife’s death from cancer. https://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/dvb/bio.asp?b=Cayce_Edgar

You do know that if you believe in 'satanic, very dangerous and lethal' entities then, they are true for you.... not for me.

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I had a friend (now deceased) who channelled a variety of ascended masters; including a White Eagle Feather-with a native American vibe, Jeshua, Mother Mary, Hilarion and my own fave, Merlin Ambrosious. On a pivot dear Frances, do you know of any cure for an excruciating bought of shingles, showing no change in 4 weeks?

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That is a tuff one it took years and years to decipher just done with trivium and the quadrivium (only what it is) and my God if not the medical and architecture where considered being detached from the four arts in the seven liberals and how could that be (still unknown here at point in time). Thank you for you and the great work of your’s and for all the years be blessed

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I read The Seth Material, found it fascinating.

About 23 Years ago I had a dream where a man came to visit me in the dream. I wrote about it here on substack. rather than write the whole thing out again you can read it here. But it reminds me of the wife who knew of you. This man came to give me a message.


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This is a subject that interests me. There are many YouTubers who claim to channel otherworldly beings such as angels, guides, and ETs. Most of what they say is generic, and I think BS. Very occasionally it's kinda profound (to me). So I've tried to figure out if they are a) telling the truth, B) Lying, C) Misunderstanding/misinterpreting something, or D) Some nefarious spirit being is misguiding them. I don't believe in demons, but beings on any level can certainly mislead and do harm.

I did have an experience with a true psychic/medium who knew things. She told me things about my dad I didn't know, that he verified later. She correctly described family events that were taking place (my dad was dying), things about family members (some known, some not known). And she described my son who'd died and kept saying, "He wants you to know..." This was a very positive experience.

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You could count the people I'd nail my colours to the mast for on less than on hand and you are one, Frances. One other is Sylvie Ivanova, who considers Seth via Jane Roberts essential reading/listening.

Thank you for regaling your dalliances with channelling. Fascinating!

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Something I thought you might like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh4Qm97u3t8

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If you believe in outer space planets, natural pole flips or climate models, you're helping the alien NWO agenda.

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This post is not about any of those topics, Mick.

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I read Seth Speaks decades ago and also a lot of the Edgar Cayce material... thanks for the reminder...

In the late '80s, as a participant in a weekly group meditation with a channel and healer... a friend and I would edit a quarterly magazine of the messages , (Messages of Light of Menorah Charney) transcribing and clarifying if needed. I eventually became a secretary to the channel and could definitely sense and hear the differences in her voice and syntax when she spoke normally.

I have been blessed in my life to have had a great many spiritual experiences...

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Thank you. I read "Seth Speaks, the Eternal Validity of the Soul" in the early 70's at age 25ish. It changed my life forever. I am watching the video of Jane that you shared here. Can't wait to see Seth Speak.

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Just watched Jane channel Seth. Fantastic! Chillingly Beautiful and Powerful.

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Yes... the style is identical to my experiences with Bill. His voice would change so much! Thanks for your comments, Greg, appreciated! xx

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Many years later, in the early 90's, I was present at an "Abraham" Channeling. Very similar as well. And I had 1 other "live" reading. Again, similar in the wonderful Energy and data.

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Hello Frances. I have followed your posts for quite some time. I have had a similar, yet different, life in other parts of the world. I read Seth Speaks back in the 1970s, soon after it was first published. I just re-ordered it to read again. Thanks for bringing it up. Have you read the book "Thinking and Destiny" by Harold Percival? It was also channelled and contains astonishing information about our connection to Consciousness, and about the composition of our psychic selves. Just sayin' .

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thanks for mentioning this book, I just read the first chapter of it, and it echos the last post I wrote about consciousness. what the difference is between the body and WHO WE REALLY ARE.. I look forward to reading it. my take is we are Human biological AVATARS here sensing this physical world. our thoughts and beliefs create our experiences. The AVATAR, the Person we are "playing" in this experience is not we we truly are, We are just using this Avatar to experience Nature, Life, CREATION. We use our creative imagination to navigate this world and learn about our potential as creators. Our Goal is harmony with all life.

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Hello Karafree. Thank you for your comments. Was it the "Introduction" (27 pages), or the first chapter, "The Purpose And Plan Of The Universe" that you read? You're correct, we are not who we think we are. In fact, as physical bodies, we possess an infinite portion of Consciousness, which has been distorted by conditioning to make us think we are separate from others - ie the rest of the physical world. The concept of the ego is the illusion. Such a belief engenders selfishness and the the concept of self-importance. Thinking and Destiny teaches that we, here in this physical manifestation, are composed of three parts, one of which resides in the physical - the Doer in the body - that part which acts in our daily lives. The other two, the Thinker and Knower are not corporeal, existing in Consciousness, but yet unconscious of the Whole of which you are a part. (Reminiscent of the Trinity in the Bible?) They contain the register of your many different incarnations up to this point. If you feel you have a Guardian Angel, this would be them - that part of you, the Doer, which they hope to protect and guide, if only you could become aware of a higher power and not remain imprisoned by your ego - your belief of uniqueness, separateness, self-importance and aloneness. Your actions are determined by your beliefs. Change your beliefs. It's not easy - we have been brainwashed since birth by the society we were born into. For those who are sufficiently advanced on the path of rebirth and self-knowledge, a teacher appears. You don't find it - it finds you. Your duty is to recognize the opportunity and grasp it. If you don't, then you were not ready, and, perhaps, it may occur again, later on. If not, then the next time around. Anything worthwhile is never easy - that's the point of it - difficulty hones our senses to the value of something. Self-abnegation is the most difficult, but is the only path to freedom from karma. To conclude, allow me to paraphrase from Thinking and Destiny ... "Everything existing on the physical plane is an exteriorization of a thought, which must be balanced through the one who issued the thought" ... "This law of thought is destiny. It has aspects which have been expressed by such terms as kismet, nemesis, karma .." .. " The law of thought is present everywhere and rules everywhere; and is the law to which all other human laws are subservient." The fact that you discovered Thinking and Destiny is the indication of the appearance of your teacher. If you are ready, do not discard this opportunity for advancement in this life. You may not get another. The Truth is self-evident and gloriously revelatory. However "conscious" you may think you are, you cannot advance on the way without a teacher. Teachers appear in many different forms. Only your ego will prevent you from such a recognition. What's more, you cannot teach others, say, in your blog, how to advance beyond what you think you know, and where you think you are consciously, without your own self-advancement. Simply the fact that you write about self-discovery infers an attachment to a self apart. Be humble, it is divine. Consider the teachings of Krishnamurti, who NEVER once used the word "I" in his discourses. You said ... "Our goal is harmony with all life" Sorry, but that's not accurate , although uplifting. The goal is self-discovery - who are you, when the veil of illusion is destroyed and Consciousness is revealed? You are made in the image of God, as the Bible says. Consider that to help you figure it out. We are on a path to self-discovery - each of us on a different spot on the path, but we share the same path. The end is the end of separateness, the death of the ego. Nirvana - a state of mind. Forgive me for my temerity to assume you needed these comments. Again, as I said to Frances, I'm just sayin'

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Im sorry. I forgot to answer your question. I read the intro. I have a scribed account and the book is available there. But anyone interested can listen to the intro on youtube. The book is over 1500 pages! The intro does echo a lot from the Seth teachings.

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Btw. I love JD Krishnamurti. I especially like his conversations with David Bohm. I agree that harmony is only a small part. I said it in brevity. I do know this journey is one of discovery. I do not like the term evolution either. We are unfolding what already is. We are discovering through expression expressing of the Whole. I think we are in a magnificent simulation holographic in nature. I think David Bohm was figuring it out.

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“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”

- Krishnamurti -

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yes! this is the point I lead to in my Train of thought post. I found this illustration of consciousness vs awareness. and break it down, SEEING it differently than most of humanity has been TRAINed to see it.

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Yes I am very much in line with what you wrote here. I have just done a post on consciousness and talk about all this. I feel seeing your comment is validation. I personally do not like the term consciousness. It is a definition that fits what we think of as the physical mind and conditioning of the body and ego. I would love if you read my post and contributed this comment.

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Just to clarify this point, there is consciousness, your own, in this physical manifestation, and Consciousness, the highest Intelligence, that from which all comes. Words can only strive to describe the Unknowable, the Ineffable.

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right! I just choose to call the Highest Knowing "Awareness, Who we really are" not consciousness. consciousness in the Avatar is made up of a lot of "programming" and deceptive perception, built on beLIEfs

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I like to call it the Oneness, of which we are an eternal part. But I also bear in mind that Lao Tzu said that the true Tao cannot be expressed in words, so it is pointless trying to do that.

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No, I have not read that book, Alan! Thanks for mentioning it! xx

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Can I suggest another for your journey, in case you've missed it? "A Course in Miracles", also channelled by Helen Schucman and William Thetford, both Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. This one, and "Thinking and Destiny" have been major influences on my spiritual journey since the early 70s, and they have been underlined and annotated profusely throughout by me, and they are the only possessions I have kept with me all through my path to this point. All else (things) I have had no attachments to - just my guide books. It's a journey, not a destination. I am frequently drawn back to some music from that time (late 60s) . The Chambers Brothers album - Love, Peace and Happiness. The song, "People Get Ready" ... there's a train a-coming, you don't need no baggage, you just get on board ... don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord ... Great song - sums it all up. My sincere apologies for this long post, but just thought to pass this info along to a fellow traveller. Again, I'm just sayin'

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I also read a Course in miracles. And a return to love by Marianne Williamson. .. And another funny synchronicity with your comment. My post is about A TRAIN OF THOUGHT.

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I love this version of People Get Ready by Eva Cassidy, may her soul be rested well.


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I loved Course in Miracles when I read it decades ago... changed my perception in many ways...

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Read it again sister, because it's still all in there to lead you out the trap of seeing yourself apart from the rest. It's not easy - the work of this life's iteration - a process of self-abnegation. "You are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe" ... "The miracle substitutes for learning that might have taken thousands of years" (CIM ll Revelation) Your personal miracle was that the book found its way to you "decades ago" - and then, life got in the way, yes? Again ... "You are the work of God, and His work is wholly loveable and wholly loving" ... "You should look out from the perception of your own holiness to the holiness of others" (CIM lll Atonement). Words have power. Be well, be blessed. As I said to Frances, I'm just sayin'.

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Thank you Frances, Fascinating and a good reminder of similar incidents in my past..

Your central point I see here is to Stay Awake and be careful what we drink in via our eyes, ears, or our heart.. Only the Very Best... ! Don't waste energy on Fear based thoughts that feed the Chaos.., Maya.. Negration, negation, negation... die to thought...

Its all about Unconditional Peace, Unconditional Absolute Truth, Unconditional Love,

They are found in a Depth of Silence and Space

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My grandparents were Christian Spiritualists and took me to their Zodiac Church in London when I was young. They believed in mediumship and healing, telling me I had a Red Indian Spirit Guide. I never felt anything I can articulate. However, I have read that communing with the dead is wrong and demons often nefariously hijack procedings. Reverse psychology maybe? There are many mysteries I will never fathom before my time is up. I'll still get there some day.

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