There is only one brief video of Jane Roberts with Seth speaking through her. You can access it here.
What is channelling?
Channelling is often defined as the act of allowing a spiritual entity (e.g., angel, archangel, ascended master, guide, deceased loved one) to merge, join, or enter your body and use your vocal cords to communicate directly with those on the Earth plane.
Channelling can be done in different ways. Commonly, the channeller is sitting quietly with eyes closed. However, sometimes the entity will move the channeller’s body (e.g., open eyes, move arms/legs, walk around).
My one and only direct experience of channelling occurred in 1996.
An elderly gentleman who lived on the same street as my family knocked on my door one day. He had his arms full of books and, after introducing himself as Bill, he explained that his wife had recently died. She had asked him to pass the books onto me and I was very pleasantly surprised because I did not recall having met or spoken with his wife!
“Oh, you didn’t!” said my visitor, “My wife came through to me spiritually and expressed her wishes most specifically.” I invited him in and, as we sat in my lounge, I examined the books. They were all very worn and annotated in the margins. They were obviously much loved and well used.
I asked Bill about his wife’s interests because all the books were about hands-on healing, something I was very interested in because, at the time, I was running a charity and a clinic treating people with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bill said that he did not know that, but his wife did!
He explained to me that his particular forte, since retirement from the caring profession, was channelling and he invited me to attend his next meeting to be held at his home. He explained that he had a spirit guide.
At the appointed time I made some biscuits and took them along to Bill’s house where a few of his friends were gathered.
After brief introductions, tea and biscuits, Bill settled down in a comfortable chair and seemed to enter a deep meditation while his guests remained silent around the room. There was an atmosphere of great anticipation and one of the ladies was preparing to take notes.
Bill began to speak in a monotonal but strident voice, quite unlike his usual quiet, gentle demeanour. I was surprised but listened intently. It transpired that Bill’s spirit guide was acknowledging my presence and that of MY spirit guide, who he named Red Feather.
Red Feather was quite clear that he had been with me since birth but had never communicated directly with me, preferring to observe and guide me subconsciously. Well, you can imagine that I was more than a bit sceptical, but in politeness, I kept my peace. Oddly, Red Feather picked up on this immediately and admonished me for rudeness!
That first session was quite disturbing for me, but I agreed to return the following week and asked if I could bring a few friends with me. In this way we began to spend one evening a week with Bill and we learned a lot.
Meanwhile I was reading the healing manuals that Bill’s wife had bequeathed me. They were fascinating, teaching me a greater awareness when employing tuina, a Chinese massage therapy that was extremely useful when treating clients suffering from addiction.
I heard from Bill about Jane Roberts and her spirit guide Seth. I read her book, Seth Speaks, and I noticed the same strident tone and spiritually corrective teaching style that I had been hearing from Bill when he channelled his or my spirit guide.
The message was identical. I find that profound, given that Jane Roberts lived and wrote in America and we were in a small seaside town in England.
Here is a reading of Jane’s book for you to have some idea of the typical content of channelling. It is 10 hours long, so do not expect to hear it all in one session.
After a while the number of people attending Bill’s sessions had outgrown his large lounge/diner. They were very popular and friendly occasions. We brought chairs from my house and others to accommodate the attendees.
There came an evening when one of my friends suddenly jumped up and ran out of Bill’s house in a fright. She left the front door wide open in her hurry to get away! When I found her, later at my house, I asked what had spooked her so much. She refused to talk about it, muttering something about ‘seeing and hearing things’!
Through Bill, Red Feather was angry about this and asked that this young woman not return to our sessions. He insisted that I should not trust that friend.
Interestingly, months later, that ‘friend’ was engaging in an affair with my husband and this resulted in our separation. I was devastated and moved away from that town very quickly. When I returned more than a year later, Bill had died and his house was sold.
The only other spiritual experience I have had came about when I called in to visit an old friend. She was playing with a small Ouija board with some friends when I arrived, so I quietly perched on the arm of a chair, watching and waiting for them to finish. I had never seen an Ouija board before.
Immediately the girls had their fingers on the glass, it began to move around the letters, spelling out my name. The girls asked who the spirit was….
The answer confused me. ‘T-E-D’ it said and I could not think of anyone by that name. Then the whizzing glass spelled out Edward Bach and I jumped up with shock!
I had occasionally used Bach’s Flower Remedies in my clinic and had a few sample bottles in my medicine cabinet at home. Ted continued to whirl out his words…. He impressed upon me that herbal medicine was precious and losing popularity. He wanted me to promise him that I would never give it up!
As I was not actively involved on the Ouija board and was only an observer, we all found this experience very profound. Needless to say, giving up herbal medicine has never been on my bucket list since that time.
Finally, and serendipitously, I found a Substack post on the subject:
I was very surprised because I am reading the very book mentioned there!
If you have had experiences similar to mine, do let me know in comments. This is not a subject which comes up in general conversation is it?
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I read Seth Speaks decades ago and also a lot of the Edgar Cayce material... thanks for the reminder...
In the late '80s, as a participant in a weekly group meditation with a channel and healer... a friend and I would edit a quarterly magazine of the messages , (Messages of Light of Menorah Charney) transcribing and clarifying if needed. I eventually became a secretary to the channel and could definitely sense and hear the differences in her voice and syntax when she spoke normally.
I have been blessed in my life to have had a great many spiritual experiences...
Hello Frances. I have followed your posts for quite some time. I have had a similar, yet different, life in other parts of the world. I read Seth Speaks back in the 1970s, soon after it was first published. I just re-ordered it to read again. Thanks for bringing it up. Have you read the book "Thinking and Destiny" by Harold Percival? It was also channelled and contains astonishing information about our connection to Consciousness, and about the composition of our psychic selves. Just sayin' .