If you have already watched History Reads Like a Book on the Earth's Grid - The North Atlantic Ocean to the Maldives (Part 2), the above conclusion (10m onward) will make France's son and many others roll their eyes 🙄!! 😂🤣
This is Michelle's reply to how Aleister Crowley changed the world's magnetic feed:-
Like I talked about in this video, I think that his role with the ceremonial magic on the day the Philadelphia Experiment was part of it - that it involved time-travel and destroyed the Earth's grid system and the surface of the Earth. I think the giant trees were providing the Earth's magnetic field, so when everything was destroyed, it caused a magnetic pole shift, likely causing more destruction to the Earth surface. Then in the time between these events and the present-day, it appears as though doing ceremonial black magic on the leylines is part of it, and I think there's more causes - like false flags, and wars, and nuclear testing/energy - but that's it in a nutshell. I think he was the conduit for dark forces and their agenda here.
I hope this helps (if only things were clear cut).
I don't get it. How could Aleister Crowley do time travel? The world was already devoid of giant trees and plants and beings, long before he ever messed about with his so-called magic.
I think that life on Earth was much bigger in general, producing giants of every species we know of and more, hundreds of thousands of years in the past. There is reason to suspect that the size change came about with a change in atmospheric pressure. How that change happened is a mystery! It could have been a crash with another planet or a very large meteor. In British history we do have a dramatic record of the entire British isles being burned to a crisp in 562AD. So such events may have happened many times over the life of the planet. Look at the legend here:
As yet, not a clue. At this point I wish I were an expert in elecro-magnetics, sacred geometry, astrology, and whatever else it takes to give an answer.
My son always comments when I lose faith in myself:
"You sowed a million seeds, Mum. You walked on and never looked back to see if they sprouted and grew. Now turn and see.... you have influenced millions during your lifetime.... the only thing preventing you from seeing them are the tears in your eyes for those seeds which fell on stony ground."
Profound and beautiful observation. And how we have caused tears when hopeful organic seeds thrown at us did not germinate. That there were seeds at all is testament to our spiritual interconnectedness and potential. The Globalists GM infiltration will not prevail.
omgosh that is so sweet! i hope my sons will tell me this at my late years. But before i need to plant some seeds to i guess =-) your son got soul i tell ya
He is my rock. I cannot imagine being without him! He isn’t always so supportive. Sometimes he criticises and argues with me but that is always useful too, because often I need reining in like a wild horse!
No you don't! Don't ever let anybody rein in and try and tame that wild horse, because that wild horse is your spirit! That wild horse is your spark for living! That wild horse wants to explore the world, question everything and learn the truth about this world that we live in! That wild horse is beautiful! I'm pretty much the same way! 🤗
As a young man I cleared Australian bush to make farms. When I became a farmer I planted all the areas that were non productive back to trees. Today 35 years later those areas are bush again. The energy I receive from these trees while walking through them with bare feet is so pure and peaceful. That feeling departs as you walk out into the industrial farm land. There is no energy to feel. The bacterial life that should be in the soil has been poisoned by the Antibiotic Glyphosate. After livestock trees are our most sustainable food source. The fruit even comes with its own protective packaging which can be discarded under the tree and eaten by livestock(chicken etc) which will turn some into fertiliser some into meat and some into an egg creating a sustainable cycle.
I had a fruit farm in Spain for a number of years and Glyphosate or any chemical fertiliser was banned in our district because the water run off would head down to the central plains and poison the cattle. The organic fruit my land produced was the best I have ever tasted. Back here in UK I rarely eat fruit because it is bland and waxed and unappetising.
Thank you for sharing this moment, which once again shows what a wonderful world we're allowed to live in. At the same time, it makes me sad to see how disrespectfully many people treat this magnificent creation. At the same time, it makes me sad to see how disrespectfully many people treat this magnificent creation.
Hi Francis i hope you're thriving in every way. I couldn't agree more regarding our obfuscated past, by design as you well know. Anyway i wanted to recommend a resercher & their channel, who has done some excellent research into our past, over 27 years. You may have came accross his channel before as its in this " ballpark " .
Its called Archaix which stands for Advanced research of Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X, he believes this a simulation of sorts. Anyway have a great day;
Sorry hit the arrow prematurely- as I was saying The proverbial lightbulb went off. I’m constantly filling in the blanks so liand you seem to be one of my major teachers. Thank you Guru Frances 🙏🏻. I’m getting ready to fully immerse myself in this rabbit hole. So much to learn and so little time. Have a blessed day. Nancy B.
Michelle's "most recent video" stopped prematurely at some 1h 30m, due to reasons she addresses in today's 30m end tag:-
If you have already watched History Reads Like a Book on the Earth's Grid - The North Atlantic Ocean to the Maldives (Part 2), the above conclusion (10m onward) will make France's son and many others roll their eyes 🙄!! 😂🤣
I am struggling to understand how Aleister Crowley changed the world's magnetic field. Do you have any idea, Sue?
This is Michelle's reply to how Aleister Crowley changed the world's magnetic feed:-
Like I talked about in this video, I think that his role with the ceremonial magic on the day the Philadelphia Experiment was part of it - that it involved time-travel and destroyed the Earth's grid system and the surface of the Earth. I think the giant trees were providing the Earth's magnetic field, so when everything was destroyed, it caused a magnetic pole shift, likely causing more destruction to the Earth surface. Then in the time between these events and the present-day, it appears as though doing ceremonial black magic on the leylines is part of it, and I think there's more causes - like false flags, and wars, and nuclear testing/energy - but that's it in a nutshell. I think he was the conduit for dark forces and their agenda here.
I hope this helps (if only things were clear cut).
'magnetic field'
I don't get it. How could Aleister Crowley do time travel? The world was already devoid of giant trees and plants and beings, long before he ever messed about with his so-called magic.
I think that life on Earth was much bigger in general, producing giants of every species we know of and more, hundreds of thousands of years in the past. There is reason to suspect that the size change came about with a change in atmospheric pressure. How that change happened is a mystery! It could have been a crash with another planet or a very large meteor. In British history we do have a dramatic record of the entire British isles being burned to a crisp in 562AD. So such events may have happened many times over the life of the planet. Look at the legend here:
Thanks for the link, Frances. You have a point! 👀
I'll get back to you...
As yet, not a clue. At this point I wish I were an expert in elecro-magnetics, sacred geometry, astrology, and whatever else it takes to give an answer.
I'll pitch the question to Michelle...
My son always comments when I lose faith in myself:
"You sowed a million seeds, Mum. You walked on and never looked back to see if they sprouted and grew. Now turn and see.... you have influenced millions during your lifetime.... the only thing preventing you from seeing them are the tears in your eyes for those seeds which fell on stony ground."
Sounds like the Apple didn’t fall far from the tree that nurtured it.
Beautiful words from a beautiful son 💝
Profound and beautiful observation. And how we have caused tears when hopeful organic seeds thrown at us did not germinate. That there were seeds at all is testament to our spiritual interconnectedness and potential. The Globalists GM infiltration will not prevail.
omgosh that is so sweet! i hope my sons will tell me this at my late years. But before i need to plant some seeds to i guess =-) your son got soul i tell ya
He is my rock. I cannot imagine being without him! He isn’t always so supportive. Sometimes he criticises and argues with me but that is always useful too, because often I need reining in like a wild horse!
No you don't! Don't ever let anybody rein in and try and tame that wild horse, because that wild horse is your spirit! That wild horse is your spark for living! That wild horse wants to explore the world, question everything and learn the truth about this world that we live in! That wild horse is beautiful! I'm pretty much the same way! 🤗
You make a very good point! xx
You're welcome 😊
As a young man I cleared Australian bush to make farms. When I became a farmer I planted all the areas that were non productive back to trees. Today 35 years later those areas are bush again. The energy I receive from these trees while walking through them with bare feet is so pure and peaceful. That feeling departs as you walk out into the industrial farm land. There is no energy to feel. The bacterial life that should be in the soil has been poisoned by the Antibiotic Glyphosate. After livestock trees are our most sustainable food source. The fruit even comes with its own protective packaging which can be discarded under the tree and eaten by livestock(chicken etc) which will turn some into fertiliser some into meat and some into an egg creating a sustainable cycle.
I had a fruit farm in Spain for a number of years and Glyphosate or any chemical fertiliser was banned in our district because the water run off would head down to the central plains and poison the cattle. The organic fruit my land produced was the best I have ever tasted. Back here in UK I rarely eat fruit because it is bland and waxed and unappetising.
Remember though, we are only the LIGHT🙏🌎
Inner Earth Unveiled : Deep State /Tree People+Butt Speakers / and Hidden Civilizations
Thank you for sharing this moment, which once again shows what a wonderful world we're allowed to live in. At the same time, it makes me sad to see how disrespectfully many people treat this magnificent creation. At the same time, it makes me sad to see how disrespectfully many people treat this magnificent creation.
You might also enjoy this documentary by Luc Jacquet, "Once Upon a Forest", from 2013, which is well worth watching: https://filmsfortheearth.org/en/film/once-upon-a-forest/
You can watch it with English subtitles here (for a fee), among other places: https://tv.apple.com/ch/movie/das-geheimnis-der-baume/umc.cmc.2r9bud36f3tgp381f8iqtu9gq
Hi Francis i hope you're thriving in every way. I couldn't agree more regarding our obfuscated past, by design as you well know. Anyway i wanted to recommend a resercher & their channel, who has done some excellent research into our past, over 27 years. You may have came accross his channel before as its in this " ballpark " .
Its called Archaix which stands for Advanced research of Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X, he believes this a simulation of sorts. Anyway have a great day;
I am in love with trees...
Thanks for this.
You'll enjoy "the doctors tardis" telegram channel immensely
I don’t use Telegram. I have enough to contend with between Substack and my growing pile of unread books!
The same tbh, I pop on when banned form facebook where I spend most of my time because thats where the sleeping are.
Michelle is doing some amazing work. Her presentations could use some polish but the information is first rate.
Sorry hit the arrow prematurely- as I was saying The proverbial lightbulb went off. I’m constantly filling in the blanks so liand you seem to be one of my major teachers. Thank you Guru Frances 🙏🏻. I’m getting ready to fully immerse myself in this rabbit hole. So much to learn and so little time. Have a blessed day. Nancy B.
Francis- I started listening and reading and was enthralled immediately So many pieces of my eternal puzzle started
MG is awesome
Her journey has been fun to watch the past few years
Wow!!! 👀🤣🌳
Thank you Frances for for all the discovering and sharing you give to us!