Haha! I really enjoyed that! xx

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First we take Manhattan then we take Berlin

Lay me down on satin forever and ever amen:

....Triggered, sorry.

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This made my day! 🤣

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Hopefully this link will put a smile on your face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5deqyhiCyuU

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That had me choking, tears running down my face! I have to say it was music to my ears! Thanks a lot for giving me a blast of home!

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Glad you enjoyed it, he always lifts me when I need to lift my spirits

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Here's something I am enthusiastic about today. It's out of left field, something that makes wading through a ton of Delete-Without-Opening incoming messages worthwhile.

I can't even remember who sent me the link but I spent a day trying to make this summary with links so people can check it out themselves:

The Amazing Grace of Telepathy

Non-speaking people on the autism spectrum reveal their hidden enlightenment via a technique called “Spelling for Communication”


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I got very excited when I found that series on You Tube. I have been very psychic in many ways all my life. Spooking all my friends and family with it on a regular basis. It is a joy that autism, with all its difficulties, has been valuable in opening up science to something which, for me and many others, is perfectly natural and normal. I look forward to being able to talk about these things without being misjudged as crazy or worse, a witch.

I am not autistic - just quirky!

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Love it! Especialy the thematic we can all relate. My morning is always go trough at least 50 mail am, then the other 50 before midnight lol.

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Outdid yourself with this one.


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It’s a good point you make, all the negativity that just may be engineered by Tavistock… I have a new rule for 2025 (as a consumer of info not as a creator) 2 hours per day max on reading / research. The rest of the time i will live my life !

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NO! It's all TRUE!!!

Pass me one of them there metal beanies...

Arooooof! Bowdown, bowdown, nonukes!! So saith the dog.

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Great poems are deep.

When I feel like that I listen to this...


Rearranges my thinking every time!!


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That guitar looks like a cello on Ana.

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OH! Thank you, thank you!!

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Imagination is what it's all about.

great poem!

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So funny! Love the pic!

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