I drip a dot of Lugol's iodine on the vortex spot of my centre palms and rub it in every few days. If the stain disappears it means I needed the iodine. It ALWAYS disappears.

It is an indicator for me, whether it helps me or not I cannot be sure enough to say.

I am doing a number of things to protect myself against POISONS + EMFs:

I wear EMF protective clothing most days.

All devices in this house are hard-wired and WiFi is switched off at the router.

I have my bare feet on an earthing plate under my desk.

I am using Turpentine Therapy and an iTera wand.

I take Artemisinin tablets occasionally.

I drink cranberry juice and tonic laced with quinine.

I only eat organic, fresh food and we cook with garlic, ginger and turmeric a lot.

We distil all our drinking and cooking water, then add a sprinkle of Himalayan salt for minerals and bicarbonate of soda for alkalinity.

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Just want to make sure i got this right, the alchemic formula to purify with mhyr gold and frinkancense inquires that you eat the golden ring…and retrieve it? By retrieve it means what i think it means? And then repeat?! Better wash that ring troughly. 😅

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The language barrier is proving to be hilarious!! You retrieve the gold ring from the residue in the saucepan. You only drink the strained liquid. You do not eat the ring!!

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LOLOLOL omg you are right, me being french canadian and you british is making this funny indeed! and its my misunderstanding sorry, i really tought you ate the ring and you know, take it back the disgusting way....so putting it in the mouth 3 days later was wow! i AM relieved i was wrong. (it COULD have been because ring inside body abosrbs magnetism. i was trying to guess)

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Oh i must add one other amazing thing, a game changer. Humic fulvic acid . (from shilajit. it's like an ancient smart earth, keto kerri has it. that is superb for detox, she used it to cure her kids autism. shilajit, i also have used, for emergencies, but getting Good , real shilajit, very tricky. one should keep it on hand like activated charcoal. it can save your life . Is zeolite from shilajit?

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this is quite good. i have that distiller. all i'd add is, if you grow the plants yourself they are way better. they will , since you are their care taker, do what they can for you specifically.

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I know this is completely true.... thanks for mentioning that very important fact! xx

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I would like to sound a note of caution about using chlorella. It has only one thiol group which means that it can pick up mercury and move it around, but it does not hold onto it and safely chelate it. Just shifting mercury around the body can cause more damage.

Anyone who wants to chelate mercury should seek out the work of Andrew Cutler who is a chemist by background. He cautions against attempting to chelate mercury if people still have amalgam fillings, and he has a very gradual protocol that many people have found to be successful.


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The pink Himalayan salt is really rock salt from Pakistan; it is dug out of the hill with heavy equipment - there are videos. I call it the Pretty Pink Pakistani Rock Salt. I use it to make a sole (saturated salt water) which I use as a deoderant (it is the best).

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I like the Redmond sea salt, it is closer to me, a family owned business, at least it was years ago.

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Here in Dorset, UK our nearest salt producer is Celtic Sea Salt produced on the coastline of Cornwall. We do buy that sometimes too. I like to switch it up from time to time!

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yes, it is good to have variation, i used to get celtic sea salts because it has some different magnesium s (other salt did not have as much), i backed off sea salt because , under a microscope you can see bits of plastic sometimes. gave my microscopt to my niece, so i cannot check anymore, but everyone should have a microscope. it probably depends on where it is harvested.

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I have seen video which shows that pink Himalayan salt is mined in a very primitive way too! I guess it depends on the location and whether the equipment can get there or even be afforded!


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Many thanks for bringing forward this very important and useful info, Frances.

What's your opinion of the old adage, "The dose makes the poison," please?

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Well, in the body of the post I describe how to use Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. These three ingredients are all poisons and they work by stimulating the immune system to go into hyper drive and clear out any lurking toxins. They are so powerful that they continue to operate for at least three days! So yeah, the dose is very important!! A little of anything does us good, but a lot can easily kill us! We can say that even about the most innocuous of things, such as water!

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Yes, that's what I think, too; but I often read hysterical comments in various places about completely avoiding this or that because it can be used, eg, as rat poison, or has some other poisonous effect in some particular circumstance or other. The word "poison" seems to attract a lot of unnecessary hysteria. Isn't there another adage, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"?! Maybe "Proceed with caution" is a useful guide?

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Check out www.healingharvesthomestead.com as a source for medicinal herbs and oils. Heidi Villegas runs the website and is a teacher of ways to ditch the drugstore and detoxifying. Just saying ... all the best and thanks for your contributions.

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In the US at least, there is NO definition of "sea salt." Most so-called sea salt is shining white, which means the minerals have been removed to sell as supplements. If you want the real deal, Redmond's Sea salt is a Utah salt from an ancient sea. It is red in color, like Himalayan Sea Salt, which is readily available and my body says it is better. My favorite is Celtic Sea Salt which is grey.

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Same distiller as mine. Thought mine 6 litres as I get 6 bottles out of it.

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This needs to be implemented into schools as well, as a part of healing the children and a learning programme to go with it, so that they understand the benefits and pass it onto future generations.

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