How expert are we? Well, it depends on whether we know what we have been poisoned with, doesn't it?
A brief remark from Craig, the Poisoned Kiwi, set me thinking. He said “I think we should stop calling these "diseases." They're all symptoms of poisoning.”
Of course he is right, but how do we know which modality of detox is right for us if we don’t know what we have been poisoned with?
There are some very general detox methods knocking around and I have written about several of them at different times over the years. So I think that now is a good time to bring all that work together and incorporate some ideas from among my friends and readers too.
Let’s get started!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda Medicine the trick to healing well is to understand yourself and how your emotions affect your organs. This chart is useful:
It means understanding and controlling the impact of emotions, detoxing and nourishing the vital organs and, most importantly, to do so with all natural ingredients which our ancestors would have used.
I have written about detoxing before here:
In that post I emphasised how important it is to know that the water you drink and cook with is really clean:
Tap water is not quite as clean as we might like and, sad to say, neither is bottled water, especially if it is a plastic container.
I had no idea that so many people do not realise how toxic fluoride is and I am shocked that they swallow so many drugs which include fluoride, all washed down with fluoridated water, no less! Presumably they also clean their teeth with fluoridated toothpastes!
Our water supplier states in their blurb "We, at West Water, do not believe in mass medication" which is wonderful. However, we distil our drinking water and are disgusted at the brown sludge and white powdery residues we find after each 4 litre cleansing operation. We add a sprinkle of Himalayan or sea salt and another of bicarbonate of soda to remineralise the resulting glass jar of sparklingly clean unadulterated water. We use this for all drinks and cooking. This is the model we have at home. It cost just over £100 on Ebay.
As you can see from the above video, you could make your own if the grid goes down and you have to use unclean water and a bonfire!
Here, in the UK, we get free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare via the National Health Service but we can count the number of times either of us have required medical assistance on one hand. Nevertheless we have paid into the service via wage deductions all our lives.
I am now a little uncomfortable realising that all our NHS contributions must have gone to pay for people to be poisoned with toxic drugs and vaccines!
Therefore making us complicit by proxy!
This Big P-Harma system is a murder machine with a smiley face!
So I am thinking that we do need a radical 'reset' after all..... not on the lines that Klaus Schwab and King Charles III are promoting, but by reverting to the old natural healing modalities which served previous generations so well.
A new emphasis really must be rapidly adopted.
Chelation and detox - just as a starting point to rescue Boomers and Gen X from the damage that has been done to their bodies. The vaccine schedule for children must be stopped and all previously injected individuals given assistance to chelate and detox from all the metals and poisons which have been introduced to their systems by medical practitioners who clearly had no idea what they were doing.
See my very important recent post:
See these links: Cilantro + Chlorella and 6 natural foods for chelation
In praise of herbal medicine for detox, Josep Pamies does not mince his words!
Here is a summary:
Milk thistle
Horsetail grass
Activated Charcoal
Tulsi (ocimum sanctum)*
Houttuynia cordata*
* (2 potent plants that detox heavy metals, poisons, and RADIOACTIVITY)!
All un-natural electro-magnetic frequencies are a type of radiation. There is only one formula I know which deals effectively with radiation poisoning and it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It is GOLD, FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH which must be prepared in a specific way:
First buy medicinal grade resins of Frankincense and Myrrh (Ebay has some!)
Take a small quantity (fit into well of the hand) of each raw resin and smash them to dust in a mortar and pestle. Add about a pint of distilled water. Bring to the boil in a glass or enamelled pot. Do not use a metal one. Simmer the mix, add a gold ring, the higher the carat the better. When the fluid has reduced to about an half inch at the bottom of the pan, strain it into cups. Add honey. Drink down very fast because it tastes awful. Retrieve gold ring from the residue left in the saucepan. Clean saucepan quickly because, if you let the resin set, it becomes rock hard and very difficult to remove. Repeat the process only after 3 days and thereafter no more than once a fortnight at the very most. These ingredients are toxic in large quantities and should be treated with great respect.
Have a juice chaser handy to clear the bitter taste from your mouth immediately after.
Take this early in the day because it does tend to energise!
I drip a dot of Lugol's iodine on the vortex spot of my centre palms and rub it in every few days. If the stain disappears it means I needed the iodine. It ALWAYS disappears.
It is an indicator for me, whether it helps me or not I cannot be sure enough to say.
I am doing a number of things to protect myself against POISONS + EMFs:
I wear EMF protective clothing most days.
All devices in this house are hard-wired and WiFi is switched off at the router.
I have my bare feet on an earthing plate under my desk.
I am using Turpentine Therapy and an iTera wand.
I take Artemisinin tablets occasionally.
I drink cranberry juice and tonic laced with quinine.
I only eat organic, fresh food and we cook with garlic, ginger and turmeric a lot.
We distil all our drinking and cooking water, then add a sprinkle of Himalayan salt for minerals and bicarbonate of soda for alkalinity.
Check out as a source for medicinal herbs and oils. Heidi Villegas runs the website and is a teacher of ways to ditch the drugstore and detoxifying. Just saying ... all the best and thanks for your contributions.