I am learning so much... Thank you Frances another enlightening article...

I was wondering if you know much about the following? (and sorry if I've missed an article on this already)

I came across this on a TV documentary related to the product "Bovril" and the host went into the history of this product and "Vril" being the essence of life based from a book, that started to look somewhat technocratic called "The Coming World" published in 1871...

Okay I looked this up on "wiki-control the narrative-pedia"... Which has been edited already since I last looked at it... (A blue note flashed across the screen saying "edited 40 minutes ago) So either something is being changed, or it's perfectly innocent... But here's the info I got from the site...

Link : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril

Basically it revolves around the discovery of a race called the Vril-ya, who are descendants of an "antediluvian civilization called the Ana, who live in underground networks of caverns linked by tunnels. Originally surface dwellers, they fled underground thousands of years ago to escape a massive flood and gained greater power by facing and dominating the harsh conditions ".

"Their society is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being an "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy that the spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree that depends on their hereditary constitution".

Okay, big deal so far, but this book was celebrated at a rather lavish fair at the Albert Hall in 1891, an illustration of the event gives off some sort of vibes that this is embraced by the elites of the time, especially in the pursuit of "Vril" . The event was called "Vril-ya Bazaar" ...

This link shows the event guide and illustration of the event


If you look at the Egyptian theme of the event, it visually gives a vibe of an ancient mystical themed gathering


This book and theme is said to have very heavily influenced HG Wells and his "The Time Machine" novel, and perhaps his keenness in the futurist eugenics movements?

"The novel features a subterranean race of winged superhuman beings, the "Vril-ya", with telepathic and other parapsychological abilities who wield vast power derived from "Vril", a mysterious form of energy that the Vril-ya are able to control through their miraculous skills. In the years following its publication, the novel had achieved widespread popularity, and some occultists claimed that Bulwer-Lytton had based his novel on an actual secret race that had mastered a limitless energy source".

Anyway, I feel vibes linking back to your Black Nobility 101, Cult of Mithras etc articles, and the constructed visual themes of Astana in Kazakhstan that you have put forward too (almost everyone is astounded when I show pictures of this city, that this has been built with close to no mainstream fanfare!).

More from the Wikipedia article, it notes "Willy Ley was a German rocket engineer who had emigrated to the United States in 1937." He wrote about various pseudoscientific groups in WW2 Germany... he mentions one that looked for the Vril:

"The next group was literally founded upon a novel. That group which I think called itself 'Wahrheitsgesellschaft' – Society for Truth – and which was more or less localised in Berlin, devoted its spare time looking for Vril."

"The existence of a (Berlin) Vril Society was alleged in 1960 by Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwelsalso" who "thought that it was in close contact with the English group known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Vril information takes up about a tenth of the volume, the remainder of which details other esoteric speculations, but the authors fail to clearly explain whether this section is fact or fiction".

Amazing what mainstream media documentaries can lead to... A mainstream documentary mentioned the Cult of Mithras being a huge religion in ancient Rome, but little information on this religion was known, which I thought odd as Rome documented pretty much everything, so how could so little be known about this religion? Then I came across your articles that seemed to address the elite connection back through time to this religion.

I'm hoping this comment reaches you Frances as I'm wondering if this fits in the picture somehow..? Pursuit of "Vril" energy??

Or if anyone in the comments section has heard of this, or knows more?

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Thanks, Steve! I have heard the occasional rumour about the Vril narratives. I haven’t looked into it as much as you have though. I always thought Bovril was named after bovine, it being a beef extract product. I tend to avoid delving into theories that develop from fiction novels and secret societies.

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Thanks Frances, I hadn't heard of it at all, but thought the same as you about Bovril... But yeah, apparently, the "Vril" part was a deliberate inclusion, based around "Vril" from this novel (according to the documentary, it was just one of those archeological excavating shows, but it featured a tale about the exhibition and was interesting to delve into it). So it's apparently the "vril" of the bovine a bit of trivia at least.

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Breaking Gremlins in the Kremlin attack Chernobyl.

There are two cycles everyone needs to know - When to feed the Cattle - When to Cull the Cattle - Guess where we are.

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@FrancesLeader https://www.superprepper.com/emp-effects-on-humans/

The cosmic magnetic shift is a constant increase of 5% per year with a magnetosphere decrease of 5% per year. Nothing like this to cement the need for world government as savior. Come to our underground bases meet the reptilians Disney land of the underworld. I am a sci Fi fan 1979 Frank Herbert the Jesus incident cloned Jesus from blood sample of the Turin shroud or the short story doubting Thomas where a priest and a robot with a built in replicator look for the spear of Christ for a blood sample to clone Jesus. Why do I mention these ? Chris Bledsoe revelation that in 2026 AI will gain precognitive and remote viewing capabilities and 2027 the second coming ( cloned Jesus) to further cement one world government. And on to the highly woo woo Tesla cracked electromagnet gravitic propulsion back in 1901 it has been weaponized ever since. The Todmorden triangle and the Rendlesham triangle we're system tests for teleportation / worm hole technology and and large scale psychotropic neuro weapons ( the digital control grid ) along with the sentinel one program. I believe in 2 years we will have quantum AI super computers the size of a typewriter for the said purpose this will be shrunk down to a pocket calculator and then a wrist watch. All fun and games sadly.

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The market for medical “remnants” is huge. Foreskins, placentas, cord blood, abortion material and now especially the genomic data from all those nasal swabs. There will never be as large and diverse a global population as right now and the technocrats know this, and are acting accordingly. And I’m not even mentioning the living tissue of trafficked people…

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Your raise some ghoulish points there, Kate! Correct, I am sure.

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Titus was John the Baptist, born 30th December baptised 6th January 7 days later, Titus Flavius aka Jesus Christ you tube Serapis Christos YouTube, Saints HOLY Roman Empire, Mesopotamia where civilization was started Meso means between Patamos means rivers Ancient Greece, Satan moved the goalposts, Anatolia aka The East, Anatolia means Sunrise, Never diss God or his Saints,why the good Jews were Hellenistic who read from God's Septuagint, today's Bible is Hebrew aka Satan,he he's to separate the Wheat from the Tares doesn't he for God, Google is Satan why he's falsifying everything,been already found guilty by Supreme court, Titus was Dionysus,Baccus,Mithras, Horus Amen Ra Sol the creator, Apis Bull,why he gave them Sol invictus to worship on the 25th December when the Sun ressurects again after 3 days and avoiding idolatry obviously, Dionysus God of Wine Fertility and the Underworld,why Wines mentioned so often (Satire), Render to Caesar what is Caesars because he who creates owns, Roman Empire only became Holy because of the Sabine Sancus Saints Vespasian and Titus and the rest of the Clements,14 Pope Clements?.

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I am very sorry, Chrestus, but I find your comments far too complicated and unclear. I am not talking about the dubious origins of religion. In this post I am talking about black magic as it is used by the Catholic Church.

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Bible makes it perfectly clear in scripture ALL scripture is God breathed they'd be nutted off else, you're not reading scripture properly,type in after Sodom and Gomorrah where their Lord was crucified KJV Satanic translation says where OUR lord was crucified, Israel was Jacobs (creators name)Ra as in Amen Ra Sol the creator, mother Isis, Wisdom O Birther The Holy spirit as in the book of Sirach, Father The Mighty one Archangel Micheal who fathers the creator,The Father The Son and The Holy spirit, Sabine Sancus Saints,they waited until Passover when they were Sacrificing to their God Yahweh, Hebrews were Asian Greeks Fallen Angels (Black Angels) BlackRock (Rock meaning Gods Biblical nickname).I can prove it with scripture,the real Jews were Hellenistic who only read from the Greek Septuagint, Nobody in the world has my beyond immaculate credentials,John the Baptist was one of Titus's many Pen names,Titus was born on 30th December baptised 6th January,ring a Bell,the crucified accursed Jesus is Lucifer.Read Psalms68 69 where God has David in the Mire water entering his Soul, Mesopotamia was where civilization was started Meso means between Patamos means rivers, Ancient Greece, Anatolia aka The East meaning Sunrise, all that was Ancient Greece,I go through Hell trying to wake people up, he's here waiting P Charles is Domitanus (Antichrist),look up Antichrist and a cup of Tea, HOLY Trinity,The Father The Son and The Holy spirit,Is Ra El, Jacob was the God of Israel Amen Ra aka Sol giver and taker of ALL life,dies 21st and ressurects again 3 days later on the 25th December, Titus Flavius aka Jesus Christ you tube Serapis Christos YouTube.i been uncovering this for yrs.Isaiah(Isiaci)Isis worship from the beginning of civilization, Horus Amen Ra Sol was her Son and Heavenly wife,Hence Virgn Birth,I have poems off of Pharoah coffins 5000yrs ago, Spirit is the Greek term for Breath,if you read Sirach and Book of Wisdom you'll see she mustn't get hurt,need original scripture,not Google forged BlackRock nonsense.

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I told you previously that I find your comments confusing. Now you continue to string more desperate phrases together and fail to type using appropriate spacing! You also assume that you are the only person who has heard of the origins of all our myths! You can relax. I have written about these things in posts for years. I am merely requesting that you find a way to communicate your knowledge more calmly and clearly….. then people might warm to you and search the information themselves.

Good luck. This new video of Tim Cohen in an interview may interest you!


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So you know they were Chrestians until the 6th Century AD then, because Chrestus was nickname for Serapis, Osiris and Apis the Sacred Bull (Horus aka Amen Ra Sol the creator),any reasonably thinking person would realise if anybody said God told them to write the Gospels they'd be nutted off,Mark was Marcus Arrecinus Clemens Titus's Brother in Law,oh you'll soon see as he's back,after he got his name tattooed on his vesture they changed Vesture to Robe early 80s,to think Gods Saints HOLY Roman Empire killed his Jewish son is just beyond belief, like Enoch(Amen Ra) says you'll be worshiping the Antichrist,how true, Creators initials and date of birth is in every Human being, father Archangel Micheal Clements who fathers him,lives at 12 Solway rd,you know that Deity he gave them to worship on the 12th month last time he was here,Sol invictus Sun unconqurable, Dionysus God of Wine Fertility and the Underworld,Pagans, Sabine Sancus Saints but as you've been studying you'll obviously be aware of that,14 Pope Clements highest ranking of All Angels but his Son's a Jew, 🤔, Don't go listening to Jewish fables,but they do lie 🤔, Hebrew Bible is Satan's, don't forget he has to separate the Wheat from the Tares for the Creator, waste of time creating him else, Mysteries until Satan destroyed the Isis/Serapis Temples and created Religion.

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Titus(God) gave them the power didn't he, forgive them Father for they know not what they're doing (Romans gambling for the crucified accursed Jesus (saviour),God of the Bible was Vespasian, Vespasian and Titus were the Chrestus (Serapis), Roman soldiers were the Angels as in Book of Matthew.Titus says to the Angels(Roman Soldiers)is it not written Ye Are Gods(Vespasian) Elohim The Mighty one Archangel Micheal (God), Titus was Amen Ra Sol the creator why scripture is always signed off with Amen (Sun),Giver and taker of ALL life, Titus was Jacob(Israel)Ra, Mother and heavenly wife Isis Wisdom O Birther The Holy spirit,Is Ra El, Israel, Jacob was God of Israel (Ra), Enoch before that, why Enoch walked with God,ALL scripture is God breathed,if anyone tried to say God told them to write it they'd be nutted off wouldn't they, try reading the Bible and swapping Jesus for Titus, Jesus just means saviour in Greek Titus called all rebellious leaders Jesus why there's so many different Jesus's.The crucified Jesus was crucified on Passover for sacrificing and Paedophilia,like Enoch says you'll be worshiping the Antichrist, Satan is Gods punisher, Creator created everything,like bible says I create good and evil.

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144,000 end time Saints,Gods,Jacobs chosen/offspring,look up Hebrew is Greek by Joseph Yahuda he'll show you proof that Hebrew and Aramaic came from the Greek language Israelites were Greek Hebrews were Asian Greeks Fallen Angels, Ancient Greek 1-1. 5 million words, Hebrew dialect 8,000 words.

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I can only be judged by God, hummm, sounds like you are God, comes in mighty handy down here bub

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Addressing a deceased Pope here might be a little useless, Tom! I doubt that anyone beyond the grave reads Substack. 🙄😉

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Good post! I'd like to add to the context of the Papal Bull by offering its potential relationship with ancient Egyptian mythology. Pharaoh was considered many things, king, high-priest, and an representative of god (much like the pope). One of the gods that Pharaoh was associated with was the Apis Bull (which was associated with fertility and the cycle of life and death). Pharaoh was also referred to as this bull because it was believed that he had a large phallus like that of a bull (I know, it's sick). Much of the phallus worship of ancient Egypt centered around the story of Isis and Osiris. Osiris was cut to pieces by his brother Seth and when Isis went on a journey to gather his pieces, but she couldn't find his penis because it had been eaten by a fish. So she cast him one out of gold, used magic to temporarily restore him back to life, proceeded to have sex with him, and was impregnated. Another reason why this scenario is disgusting is because they're brother and sister. The result of the pregnancy was Horus the younger. Many Greek and Roman philosophers studied under Egyptian priests (even influencing the future calendar that we all use today). Eventually, we saw the return of a form of phallus worship in Rome. Their soldiers would wear its form as a necklace for protection. There are also etchings in Rome that depict a phallus ejaculating into what could be considered an, "all-seeing eye." We could presume, since Rome was substantially pagan, that it was the eye of the One True God. We still see this form of worship presently with Egyptian obelisks in just about every country we could seem influential. Apparently, it was so appealing that Freemasonry also decided that a certain type of obelisk (a mostly uncut base with a refined shaft and point) best represents their separation from the profane masses. So why did God try to make changes to sexuality in the Old Testament? Because ancient civilizations were engaged in every type of sexual perversion you could think of and most of which, you'd rather not.

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The wearing of an amulet for protection was mentioned in my post and I speculated that it could have a connections to circumcision. The origin of circumcision is not well-documented, but it is believed to have been practiced by various cultures around the world, including ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

One of the earliest recorded evidence of circumcision comes from ancient Egypt, where it was practiced as early as 2300 BCE. In Egypt, circumcision was performed on boys around the age of 12 or 13 as a rite of passage into manhood. I think it is likely that the removed foreskin may have been dried and formed into an amulet rather than losing it and risking it being used in magic rituals against the individual.

In Judaism, circumcision is believed to have originated with Abraham, who is said to have circumcised himself and his son Ishmael at God's command, as described in the book of Genesis. This practice was continued by the Israelites and became an important part of Jewish tradition.

The reasons for circumcising baby boys vary across cultures and traditions. Some possible reasons include:

* Hygiene and cleanliness: In ancient times, it may have been seen as a way to reduce the risk of infection or promote cleanliness.

* Spiritual or religious significance: As mentioned earlier, in Judaism and some other cultures, circumcision has spiritual or religious significance.

* Rite of passage: Circumcision has been used in some cultures as a rite of passage into manhood or adulthood.

* Health benefits: Some studies suggest that circumcision may have health benefits, such as reducing the risk of urinary tract infections or certain types of cancer.

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Well i be damn! The only thing i knew in this post was that the hadsburg were rich and the most cosanguinal family after the cleopatrs egyptian legacy (correct me if im wrong)

The papal bull is so fascinating! A fight between pope and king and a pope going all out declaring im the king of the world! I dont think many knows about this.

And the skin made parc h ment...awfull. But love the word etymiologiy you gave. No need for adrenochrome when so many other purpose can be made with human parts. Inculding voodoo stuff and such.

France...again, you win the sub-trophy-stack of who teached me the most thing in one post. Your awesome for real.

Wouf out ✌️🐶👍

With you i met many colorfull fellow and i cant thank you enough for your patience with me and all my questionning. I would love if your wisdom participate at my hot topic question.( i started easy) probly post 1 per week, every monday 😎

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Circumcision is barbaric. They do not even anesthetize the poor baby! I have four daughters, and I never knew the sex of any of them, but I told my former husband if I had had a boy, there was no way we were going to circumcise him. I had read a good deal on how barbaric circumcision is and how there’s no science behind it, in Mothering magazine in the early 90s!

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One of the most shocking things I have learned since being online was the fact that millions of American christian men are circumcised. I had no idea, being a Brit. Why do they do it? It struck me as really weird and incongruent. You are right to use the word, barbaric.

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I babysat twins since they were 4 weeks old until they were 9 months. The little boy was circumcised and would randomly have hysterical crying fits out of the blue and clutch his groin. I told the mother and she said he was circumcised as soon as he was born or shortly thereafter, but they left the room because they couldn’t bear to watch it. Well that baby’s body remembered! 😢😢😢😢It was heartbreaking to witness! I told her and she felt terrible. I told her and her husband lots of things they had never heard. I cannot keep these things to myself when I know them, and I know that children are being routinely harmed.

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"they couldn’t bear to watch it" !!! That is beyond crazy to me. Why do they do these despicable things to their babies? Why doesn't anyone stop this practice? Doctors should refuse!

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Such an incredible disconnect! I agree it should be outlawed!!

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I have never trusted or liked the ritualistic Catholic Church and the reason we (my husband and I ) left it in 1971.

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Have you came across David Ewing Jr? He has got some great thought provoking material. You can find him through youtube on Xirtus or Actlikeyouknow. He was inspired by mathematician Anatoly Fomenko and team who describe in detail how Roman and Greek antiquity was faked, as well as the whole of the first Millenia AD, by the Vatican beteeen 1400

and about 1800 and later as they and their humanist bros consolidated power. They took events in their recent past, e.g a battle for 1 year and made it last 10 years, or duplicated it several times in history. They fabricated history. Ewing places the Farnese at the centre of this recent take-over and links the name Farnese with Farnisi, Farnizi, Farsi, Faranese, Faran, Fran, Francisco, Franc, Franks, Faras, Faris and Paris. Faran became the root for 'foreign'. They were the major invading power, destroyers of history, creators of the European and American inquisitions. They are the ruling elite who act through the Vatican today. They came from Egypt/Iraq. They got a foothold in Italy and managed to expand. The millions of skulls and bones he attributes to their murderous ways and canabalism. He claims original, what we call Muslims, were not people from the middle east, Africa and the Indian Ocean but were part of a European wide movement who followed Jesus, (Moses and Mohamed) but did not regard him as an immortal son of God. The Cathars are an example of this. What we call Arabic was found embroidered on clothing of the Holy Roman Emperors and royalty in paintings, on sculptures of David, in halos of Mary and many others on European and Russian swords and helmets and on millions of coins. There are more Korans, more volumes of arabic books in europe, USA, Canada, just about anywhere, than in the Middle East. Some single, non major universities have got more than most Middle Eastern countries. Many of the inhabitants and ruling classes of Egypt, Turkey, Syria and Middle East were formerly white Muslims driven out of Europe in the C19 or earlier such as the Circasians from Russia who were genocided. The name Burka was a common Dutch word meaning head covering. Later the Dutch, French and English Colonists in ME and Indian Ocean ensured that Arabic become the primary language of instruction and printed Korans in Europe (with changes). The Middle East, Malaysia and Indonesia were created Muslim centres. The Muslim golden age of the Middle East and North Africa, taking over Europe is a lie

as is Jerusalem in Israel/Palestine and many other fake ancient sites giving a fake ancient heritage to the conquerors of Europe, the Faranese. There is much more to add about Europe, Jews, the creation of modern languages, but I'll leave that to the primary reaearchers of Fomenko and his huge team of mathematicians and the newer videos of David Ewing Jr. The evidence compiled, especially by Fomenko's team, is huge and cannot be ignored or unsceen once seen.

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Yes another Frank.

Perhaps Frankenstein's monster is an allegory for the work of the Faran.

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Anything to do with the Farnese?

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Jim Keith, a first-class conspiracy researcher who some believe was murdered by the elite during what was supposed to have been a minor surgical procedure on his knee, believed that the perverse satisfaction and exaggerated pride of these men is a natural outgrowth of their keenly observing how much control over others their elite status confers on them and their associates. This is especially true given the Illuminati's control and manipulation of nations like the U.S.A., Russia and Germany, nations with vast technological prowess that fosters the growth of Big Brother government control.

He writes:

Beneath the cloak of the prime conspirators are larger groups of rich peasantry and landlords dominating a huge mass of poor serfs and less-than-serfs whose labor and lives are sucked to provide the lifeblood to nourish the upper portions of the pyramid. This ancient structure is perfectly visible to anyone with the eyes to be appalled.

It is also obvious that the ruling class cabals and spy organizations which we do know about are pointed in roughly the same direction: the total control and "utilization" of the mass of mankind by whatever means it takes. Aside from all the lofty banter about the "perfecting of mankind," what is desired is the perfecting of the systems of control.   Control is the shared goal of these numerous conspiring individuals, groups, and governments, and in that sense they work together, collaborating here, working individually there, creating an evolving noose of murderous technological expertise that swiftly tightens around humanity's throat. With this goal in place, with money and the tools of advanced technology in hand, the overall program of accomplishment crystallizes.


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When they lived inside the castle walls all was well for the elite. They were safe from the illiterate, savage beasts. Those they brought in for services could be castrated as children ensuring what they learnt could not be passed on. At some point a revolution occured which Fomenko says was the work of Jesus and Mohammed, both elites, who let the peasants in, claiming that they were equal as humans before God. Without their walls and with peasants becoming clothed, educated and leaving their barbarous ways they needed more subtle ways of controlling them. War, famine, pestilence, poisoning, drugs, immorality, drunkeness and all the vices were used against them. The fear of the masses is as strong now as it was in medieval days. The tussle between educating the masses more, raising them up, versus keeping them in a visible or invisible cage by ways mentioned above is as relevent today as it was in the middle ages when Fomenko suggests this revolution occured.

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Amazing and thorough, Daniel. Is the best way to encounter or engage with Fomenko's work today, in english, through David Ewing? Or are they more or less separate? I ask because years ago, when I first became aware of Fomenko, I was very tempted (obviously!) to purchase his encyclopedic volumes when they came out in English, but simply could not afford them. So really, I suppose, they slipped out of my general awareness for the most part. But now, after so many things have happened since then -- many of which are a distraction -- they also point back to the exact work of Fomenko inter alia.

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I also discovered Fomenko years ago but didn't get far. My mistake was to read about gun rather than listen to him directly and read hi material directly. The volumes are available online. Not that i'm a big fan of reading digital books. https://annas-archive.org/ is probably the best place to look.

Ewing Jr is not a Fomenko, but uses Fomenko's paradigm and makes some really interesting observations. His strength is as a linguist and a researcher and has few attachments to existing history.

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Thanks, Daneil. I will poke around that link but, like you, I cannot abide too much reading of digital books (despite the inordinate amount of digitzed text I have consumed since -- well -- the Internet.). Also, I do like your assessment of Ewing: "...few attachments to existing history." My kinda guy! Cheers to you and your savvy readers, too.

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... reply t Tirion!...my sense(s) alluded to which prompted ur inquiry had been experienced while walking last night between 09:30 and just after 11:00 at night...it's a very old place, energy wise, trees, narrow river bordering suburbia...Jonathan Swift is accepted to had visited there... few would believe my experiences there, and some others had in similarly 'exceptionally' terms...one in 2012, in the afternoon, had somewhat of a later 'verification' surprisingly through NASA...on that basis u may be open to my following abrupt account...this is my observation, not so much 'experience'...i'm ambling nicely along, at night rather before the crucial midnight hour...i'm approaching a tract that is, and the surrounds are 'significant', it's also the area that is believed to host a bronze age site or connotations, though i'm not sure of the 'official narrative', it's a narrow path, that is now tarred, and that area of it's encompassing surrounds h had only in recent years been reclaimed...the path is separated by only a narrow sliver of a grassy verge, and other vegetation and is to my left, all low lying or short, at this time... so they had put in the awful and sordid street lighting...i'm close to a bend or curve in the path just up ahead, when as casual as u may wish to imagine, a creature that reflected as very dark, or black to me, emerged

out of the embankment to my right... and proceeded to cross in front of me, and into that short vegation only a few yards (exactly) in front...it seemed about the size of a very big cat, or even a rat, or perhaps 'stretcging' it a smaller type dog, however, i felt immediately it is neither, and their was something about it's uncertain or suspicious gait that had me on alert, i quickly took the three or four or five strides necessary to close the distance, so i'd fastened my gaze on it, and immediately arrived on the spot, rationally it 'must' be at, a few seconds at most, and i was prepared to protect myself at the same time, especially my face, in case this thing sprang at me, my having disturbed it...i was only a couple of steps back from this 'vital point' when, to my surprise, a heron suddenly emerged, and flew directly up into the air, just in front, accomplished a circle or something like, maybe twice or three times, and flew off in a direction to my right and in front, this is also significant... needs another shorter comment to explain...the grass and vegetation is so short at that point there is no way i would not have seen that heron... that requires further explanation... and my further elaboration in another comment may pique ur interest, see how u get on with this... btw, i am very good with birds etc, and incisive in my observations... (edit:the foregoing observation was sometime last year...a heron and that creature, aside from anything else, could not have possibly occupied that 'vital point' simultaneously under any reasonable circumstances!)

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We should learn from the fox… to purge any parasites, the fox goes for a swim and drowns them. I like that and visualise parasites the likes of the pope forced to get off and walk or better drown.

Oh if only the majority would wake up .

Thank you for your words.

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Quite ironic that Boniface claims authority as the heir of Peter when there is no firm evidence that Peter actually ever went to Rome, nor was he ever Bishop of Rome, as The Vatican fancifully claims.

Decades before Christianity arrived in Rome, the British royal family were converted to Christianity by Jospeh of Arimathea and other members of The Holy Family, who went into exile in Britain in AD 37, after the crucifixion. Saint Paul even visited them in Britain, preached on the site where St Paul's Cathedral now stands and founded an abbey at Bangor-on-Dee, near Wrexham, where the Welsh-English border now lies - decades before Paul reached Rome around AD 60!

In AD 51, after an eight-year war of resistance following the Roman Invasion, the British royal family were captured and taken in triumph to Rome, where they were held under house arrest in the Palatium Britannicum for seven years. King Caradoc/Caractacus's daughter married into the Roman royal family and the King's son, Linus, became the first Bishop of Rome. The Romans and the Ancient British openly acknowledged that they were cousins. The founder of Britain was a former Consul of Rome, Brutus of Troy.

So it was not St Augustine who introduced Christianity to Britain in AD 597. It was the British who introduced Christianity to Rome in AD 51. What St Augustine introduced was the special brand of "Christianity" which Rome had later invented to suit its own political exigencies.

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I find that story very compelling but also unlikely.

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It's horseshit! Anyone who has followed Ralph Ellis's work knows that Joseph of Arimathea (Joseph bar Mathia) is Flavius Josephus, as well as being St Paul/Saul of Tarsus. He was a snivelling little turncoat who changed allegiances with the weather - initially being on James and Jesus's side, then working for the Sanhedrin, then as an agent of Rome (while also likely having an affair with Nero's wife) and then finally being awarded lands north of Jerusalem by Rome after the exile of AD70 from where he ran his own, new, Sandhedrin.

Jesus wasn't crucified until the late AD60s and he survived it. He's missing entirely from the historical record because Josephus was forbidden from writing about him leading the Jewish Revolt and the events were moved 40 years into the past. If you get the dating right, he's everywhere. Not only in the Talmud (where he's loudly ridiculed in numerous places) but I think in some Roman records as well, also in the list of high priests of Jerusalem and can be identified quite easily in some of Josephus's writings - though the identity is hidden under names like the "Egyptian false prophet". He was taken to Chester (the Roman Guantanamo Bay of the day, as Ralph Ellis puts it), as far away from his centre of power as possible, where he was imprisoned and where he eventually died. He wasn't a "saviour" at all, but just a candidate for Emperor of Rome thanks to his very illustrious bloodline which included Persian (Parthian) royal blood as well as Egyptian and Roman, descending as he did from the daughter of Julius Caesar's tryst with Cleopatra. The Jews despise him too because his revolt caused the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple and the exile to Babylon. There were anyway quite a number of disputes with the Sanhedrin of the time on ideological grounds because his sect of Judaism was more fundamentalist (and extreme) and was much more astro-theological or zodiacal that the more materialist and pragmatic Pharisaic position. One instance of this is his clearing out of the Temple. He was able to do so without being arrested or killed because he was either already High Priest of Jerusalem or a candidate for the position - and anyway he had an army of his own (who were fishermen, surprise, surprise!).

In short, we are still living under the misapprehension of the web of lies created by the loathsome Josephus and the "simple Judaism" that he created, which later became Christianity. Anyone who thinks he is/was some kind of astral saviour is just labouring under deliberately spun lies. His historicity is quite easy to prove (though I would have said it didn't exist two years ago) and the motives are far more base than a desire to please the "Father in Heaven".

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That is a very bizarre blending of timelines.

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I'm not quite sure why you label it "bizarre" when there are quite literally no historical reference points putting Jesus in the AD30s. This changes when you read the Talmud and know the names they used to refer to Jesus, and all that action takes place between about AD50 and AD70. Similarly with Eusebius and some telling sloppiness there, plus with Josephus himself.

If you are genuinely disputing the timeline (though, again, I wonder on what grounds except that your vicar believes otherwise) then this interview nicely summarises the reasons to place the gospel events around AD65 and to put Jesus at the head of the Jewish Revolt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-4yHGf8k0c

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I can't say I was impressed with that broad-brushed and rather effort-free dismissal of Ralph Ellis. I got the impression that because he somehow managed to get someone, probably equally lazy, to award him a PhD, that between his "status" and his appeal to authority in academia and in peer review (one of the now most discredited and static forms of "advance"), that he expected Ralph Ellis to run away in fear. If there was so much to be disgusted with, why didn't he bring some examples to our attention? But there was a wonderful irony in seeing the words "elaborate concoction" in his critique. If you were looking for two words to sum up Christianity you'd be hard pushed to better those two as a choice.

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Why do you think that the Talmud contains a valid account of history? And do you think that Eusebius or Josephus were above influence? I'll check out the video and comment.

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In this instance because the Talmud presents the very anti-Jesus stance that would last for the subsequent 2000 years. They hated him for quite a raft of reasons (not least losing the Jewish Revolt) so anything incidental to the task of firmly placing the blame on his shoulders is likely to be true. Also because its contents are outside the sphere of Roman influence.

In contrast, Josephus is far from being above influence. He's a horrible little maggot whose life has had such an astonishing impact on humanity's history that it's hard to even believe it's possible. He said and did whatever suited him or whatever his masters told him to do - and he changed masters regularly. Eusebius was simply sloppy and gives the game away that they were shifting events by 40 years by citing the wrong Roman governor, though he did manage to insert the correct Emperor.

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What an interesting article. I did not realize that the Hapsburgs were out of Switzerland. So, yes everything evil comes out of Switzerland and it is the seat of power for all the evil (has been said Venice) but really the same? We have the WEF, CERN

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Venice, Genoa, Basle, Rome…. all occupied for centuries by the inter-marrying crime syndicate aristocracy.


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Nice try Rome but your spelling relies on belief.

I don't believe it.

Take that bitches...

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