Love (and chocolate) xox

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I was looking into the idea about plants and their astrological connections. So it was quite interesting when i stumbled upon medical astrology. The study of plants and their medicinal qualities in relation to the planets.

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I needed this. Thank you!

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It could be said that our modern very high skyscrapers are symbols of our modern megalithic religion. Indeed they are very much in-your-face manifestations and statements of such.

The former Twin Towers in New York were in-your-face examples of such - not unlike the vertical structures of Stonehenge! The destruction of the Twin Towers was a profound psychic shock to New Yorkers in particular and American's altogether. Prior to that shocking event American's presumed that they were invincible and under control of everything.

Some people say that one way of assessing that any given culture is in terminal decline is when it/they construct mega-scale monuments - look at me/us aren't we great and even the apex of civilization.

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I detest skyscrapers. Now you have explained why! Thank you!

I live near Stonehenge and the stones are part of our annual rituals of solstice. I can't imagine treating skyscrapers with quite the same reverence though!

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I agree. Id rather go into the forest and. Hug a tree.

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Oh, Fran, tell me how to not hate those who are persecuting me. I am so angry.

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We have the best example from me old mate, Jesus, himself.

He said "Forgive them for they know not what they do!"

I know it is hard to do, I have had to forgive some awfully bad things in my time.... Feel sorry for the persecutors - they operate in a dark place and you are of the light. Of course they act hatefully towards you! You shine a light on their dark hearts and that HURTS them. The more you pity them, the more light shines in their eyes....

SHINE ON - that really is all there is to it. xx

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And there are so many lately that are pushing the opposite message. I asked myself why is this. They seem to have so much proof that points to a Godless world, but my gut says there has to be a God. I pray that I am right, for the sake of what he has created, pure love!

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I don't believe in a separate entity God. I believe the Universe IS God..... keeps me happy! xx

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I'm not a theist, either, and I don't try to define it, I'm okay with the Mystery of it all... That said, I certainly do believe in it.

As to what you say above-- Yes, I can feel sorry for them, and forgive them, but it's hard not to be angry. When people cause harm to bystanders in the pursuit of deliberately trying to hurt someone else, for reasons of selfishness, it's hard for me to not be angry.

Most of the things I "know" about how all this works are almost subconscious for me-- I only recognize things when someone else talks about them. But I do recognize them. I want to understand MORE CONSCIOUSLY. Like the "gism." I feel like I'm standing in my own way.

I am really concerned right now, because this Guardian Ad Litem woman seems to feel that I am not OK to be my folks' caregiver-- She seems to believe what my brothers have said about me and that I am a liar. She is saying she wants to basically return to what caused all this trouble in the first place: putting my parents into their own home with my younger brother Marc in charge. Marc is undiagnosed with some sort of something-or-other mental defect... He is utterly self-absorbed, I think with a good heart, but mentally BENT, and was severely neglectful for a year and a half-- There is much documentation of this, but it seems the G.A.L. hasn't bothered to READ IT...

So today I am working on something to write that will at least give her pause... I told her I would have SERIOUS objections to having Marc in charge of anything. He can be very charming, and he can be incredibly nasty, too. It's also a thing that my folks have to have a doctor's visit (to the same doctor that has prescribed statins and jabbed them at least once with "Covid" jabs, and Dog knows how many other jabs over time... I can't go into the office there (more smears-- an "incident"??? and I'm not allowed to know what it was!), and my folks will be alone with this doctor for an hour each. I don't want them to be subjected to his "ministrations."

It's like letting your child be taken from you and given to a... fill in the blank...

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And then I think, maybe it would be better for them if they're "helped" to enter the Next Thing... Sigh.

I keep thinking about "Let go or be dragged." Can I let go knowing that my folks will be harmed? I am struggling.

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It is highly noticeable that your parents' wishes are completely ignored. This situation must be wearing you down, it has been going on for far too long!

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