Of course the servants have followed their masters, Will. That has been very important because they are the human shields for the Black Nobility/Papal bloodlines.
The Jews work for the Empire. The Empire does not get its hands dirty and actually work…. PERIOD.
Hi Frances. So you think the 'Jews' or the 'Extreame Jews' or BOTH are a creation of the Vatican? So they can have their footprint in the Middle East via Israel? Might you have any articles on that? Its clear that Chabad visit every presidential/PM office but also clear that every president/PM visits the pope & of course rubs the wall.
The Talmud is the textual record of generations of rabbinic debate about law, philosophy, and biblical interpretation, compiled between the 3rd and 8th centuries and structured as commentary on the Mishnah with stories interwoven. The Talmud exists in two versions: the more commonly studied Babylonian Talmud was compiled in present-day Iraq, while the Jerusalem Talmud was compiled in Israel.
The whole city is built on wooden poles, but since they feared that sea water could make the poles rot they covered them in clay, but not any normal clay - a compost of high quality pottery clay, volcanic clay and lime rich clay. This compost made the poles impervious to water and air.
The Venetians built the entire city on top of them.
BUT the really important fact is that, after many year of pressure, air sealed space and without humidity, now those wooden pole are just like stone, so it's the first ever example of human made fossils, a city build on stone wood poles!
The real global rulers are a syndicate of criminals. None of them live in the Vatican, nor the City of London nor Washington DC.
They live on superyachts, Caribbean Islands and in fortified European castles. They are never gathered together in one place, apart from on Zoom or Skype.
They have to be found, detained and incarcerated in high security mental institutions because they are psychopaths. No court will convict them so we have to avoid legalities. Their assets have to be confiscated and returned to the public purse.
Fame is cheap and anonymity is expensive. That embedded video about transparency in banking practices would work. Just getting the idea into legislatures would be big. Who is going to oppose the idea of banking transparency on the political stage? That is a dance I would like to see a puppet do. Thank you for your archive. You are making substack more substantial.
This combines several chunks of info from different previous articles written originally on Steemit. I am trying to bring everything together in manageable files here on Substack.
I have collated Black Nobility 101 which includes all my research and I add to that all the time.
I have been nerding out on your vast number of articles for 2 months now. Absolutely amazing body of work and so critical for our now.
Aside from that work, your organization of facts and the writing that strings it all together is just so impressive. I appreciate your accurate command of English and your ability to paint pictures of history with your words!!!
Portugal and Spain played important roles as major competition to the Venetians. Their success in central and south America could even be thought of as the impetus behind the Nobility vacating Venice and migrating to Amsterdam and then London.
Undoubtedly Venetian and Roman Catholic agents infiltrated Spain and Portugal’s aristocracy to bring the fortunes under the centralised control we see now.
Quote: "In the 16th century, Venetian strategy was to play the Ottoman Turks against the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs and then to play the Hapsburgs off against the French!
Venice played the Portuguese off against the Dutch and the Dutch against the English, the English against the French!"
Now we know where the roots of British "diplomacy" come from :-)
Quote: "The loot from Constantinople was greater than anything Europe saw until the Spanish fleets from the Americas centuries later!"
Yep, I state in the book, that the seed wealth of the Money Powers empire was wealth stolen from the Levant during the Crusades.
Quote: "he Venetians were spies for Genghis Khan guiding them to sack Baghdad."
Most interesting, I was not aware of this
Quote: "So the great Marco Polo and the Venetian family from which he came, was responsible for directing Genghis Khan into war against Europe"
Quote: "Shakespeare and presumably his audience were familiar with the style and cruelty of Venetian geo-politics."
Shakespeare was a leading sovereigntist, so was Jonathan Swift.
WOW the connection between Luther and Venice is very important, I wasn't aware of that!!!!!
Global Warming: Agree 100%. Have many references on this. Following is link to latest:
Hands down one of the most informative pieces I have ever read. I am happy to have found your work.
I am currently writing a deep dive on fake history. Much like you, I have identified the Roman Empire that never fell as the enemy and named my substack after a historical hero fighting the Romans.
My research led me more towards the bloodlines of Sumeria and Babylon and the Edomites. I never really looked into the Venetians much. Will definitely do so now
Interesting connections to the god Mithras at Fontainebleau Castle in France (video):
One more... sry. I know you must be busy! Do you support the Noahide Laws?
They are not part of my culture but neither are Roman Laws.
Sure the Talmudic, Chabad lunatics havent infiltrated London???
Of course the servants have followed their masters, Will. That has been very important because they are the human shields for the Black Nobility/Papal bloodlines.
The Jews work for the Empire. The Empire does not get its hands dirty and actually work…. PERIOD.
Hi Frances. So you think the 'Jews' or the 'Extreame Jews' or BOTH are a creation of the Vatican? So they can have their footprint in the Middle East via Israel? Might you have any articles on that? Its clear that Chabad visit every presidential/PM office but also clear that every president/PM visits the pope & of course rubs the wall.
I did not say that jews are a creation of the Vatican! What nonsense. Stop wasting my time.
"The Zionists are Nimrodists and are the arch enemy of the Jews."
Confused as to where the Talmud comes from... Not wasting time.
The Talmud is the textual record of generations of rabbinic debate about law, philosophy, and biblical interpretation, compiled between the 3rd and 8th centuries and structured as commentary on the Mishnah with stories interwoven. The Talmud exists in two versions: the more commonly studied Babylonian Talmud was compiled in present-day Iraq, while the Jerusalem Talmud was compiled in Israel.
How Venice created a fresh water system in their salt water swamp!
And another interesting fact about Venice:
The whole city is built on wooden poles, but since they feared that sea water could make the poles rot they covered them in clay, but not any normal clay - a compost of high quality pottery clay, volcanic clay and lime rich clay. This compost made the poles impervious to water and air.
The Venetians built the entire city on top of them.
BUT the really important fact is that, after many year of pressure, air sealed space and without humidity, now those wooden pole are just like stone, so it's the first ever example of human made fossils, a city build on stone wood poles!
http://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/how-the-venetian-system-was-transplanted-into-england/ seems to be gone.
it can be found here: https://web.archive.org/web/20100417165053/https://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/how-the-venetian-system-was-transplanted-into-england/
Many thanks, Marc! xx
The real global rulers are a syndicate of criminals. None of them live in the Vatican, nor the City of London nor Washington DC.
They live on superyachts, Caribbean Islands and in fortified European castles. They are never gathered together in one place, apart from on Zoom or Skype.
They have to be found, detained and incarcerated in high security mental institutions because they are psychopaths. No court will convict them so we have to avoid legalities. Their assets have to be confiscated and returned to the public purse.
Only then we will have any semblance of justice.
Fame is cheap and anonymity is expensive. That embedded video about transparency in banking practices would work. Just getting the idea into legislatures would be big. Who is going to oppose the idea of banking transparency on the political stage? That is a dance I would like to see a puppet do. Thank you for your archive. You are making substack more substantial.
A quick look at the Temple to Mithras in London
This combines several chunks of info from different previous articles written originally on Steemit. I am trying to bring everything together in manageable files here on Substack.
I have collated Black Nobility 101 which includes all my research and I add to that all the time.
I have also written as a series. my autobiography here:
I have, for the fun of it, written two fiction books:
https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-nobs - a comedic look at posh people
https://francesleader.substack.com/p/how-hard-can-it-be-b74 - the story of Lymp Duhdashian
And everything I have done on EMFs is archived here:
I have been nerding out on your vast number of articles for 2 months now. Absolutely amazing body of work and so critical for our now.
Aside from that work, your organization of facts and the writing that strings it all together is just so impressive. I appreciate your accurate command of English and your ability to paint pictures of history with your words!!!
What a delightful compliment! Thank you Akgrrrl, much appreciated! xx
You sure Frances?
Yes, I am completely positive! Look up who invented the first Jewish ghetto and where it was….. that tells you who is the boss, Will.
I shall do! Thanks!
You sure its not the Talmudic, Chabad, Synagogue of Satan Frances?!?!
I refer you to an answer given to your comment above.
Yeah right. Definitely not the Talmudic, Chabad lunatics!!!!!
I refer you to an answer given to your comment above.
I thank you for yout time and research. Please keep up the good work.
Dear Frances. I really would like to see your analyses, what Portugal played on the Venetians and Genovese move to north sea countries.
Portugal and Spain played important roles as major competition to the Venetians. Their success in central and south America could even be thought of as the impetus behind the Nobility vacating Venice and migrating to Amsterdam and then London.
Undoubtedly Venetian and Roman Catholic agents infiltrated Spain and Portugal’s aristocracy to bring the fortunes under the centralised control we see now.
Pluto is going into Aquarius on Monday Nov 18 for the next 248 years, there is real hope that the Roman Empire will finally die.
That would be so wonderful!
Quote: "In the 16th century, Venetian strategy was to play the Ottoman Turks against the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs and then to play the Hapsburgs off against the French!
Venice played the Portuguese off against the Dutch and the Dutch against the English, the English against the French!"
Now we know where the roots of British "diplomacy" come from :-)
Quote: "The loot from Constantinople was greater than anything Europe saw until the Spanish fleets from the Americas centuries later!"
Yep, I state in the book, that the seed wealth of the Money Powers empire was wealth stolen from the Levant during the Crusades.
Quote: "he Venetians were spies for Genghis Khan guiding them to sack Baghdad."
Most interesting, I was not aware of this
Quote: "So the great Marco Polo and the Venetian family from which he came, was responsible for directing Genghis Khan into war against Europe"
Quote: "Shakespeare and presumably his audience were familiar with the style and cruelty of Venetian geo-politics."
Shakespeare was a leading sovereigntist, so was Jonathan Swift.
WOW the connection between Luther and Venice is very important, I wasn't aware of that!!!!!
Global Warming: Agree 100%. Have many references on this. Following is link to latest:
Hands down one of the most informative pieces I have ever read. I am happy to have found your work.
I am currently writing a deep dive on fake history. Much like you, I have identified the Roman Empire that never fell as the enemy and named my substack after a historical hero fighting the Romans.
My research led me more towards the bloodlines of Sumeria and Babylon and the Edomites. I never really looked into the Venetians much. Will definitely do so now