The News Benders is a 1968 British television play that aired on BBC Two as part of the Thirty Minute Theatre series. The play is a thought-provoking and prescient exploration of the power of the media to shape public opinion and manipulate reality. The story follows a shadowy government operator, played by Donald Pleasence, who provides fake news stories to the media to control the population.
The play is set in a minimalist interior setting, reflecting the budgetary constraints of the time, and features only three actors: Donald Pleasence, Nigel Davenport, and Sarah Brackett. The play’s themes of media manipulation and propaganda are eerily relevant today, and it is a testament to the vision of the playwright, Desmond Lowden, that he was able to anticipate the concerns about the role of the media in shaping public opinion that we still have today.
The play is a rare example of a BBC production that has survived to the present day, and it is a valuable addition to the cultural and historical record of the 1960s.
That was a brilliant play, I had watched it recently... I'm always drawn to the British TV show "The Prisoner" with Patrick McGoohan, especially the first episode which hints that the notion of a "nation" is a lie and that there is a bigger club that controls all... everyone on the island for ex spies was from the various nations supposedly in a cold war with each other, everyone smilingly complied with everything on the island which masked their fear of stepping out of line.
I gleaned that whilst still relatively asleep to everything I've learnt from your articles.
Since then re-watching the series, soooo much more is packed in there, especially the all seeing eye, not just the symbol, but the monitoring of everything, and the hand signals of "be seeing you"... Whether he was aware of it or not, Patrick McGoohan gives away so much it seems, (although he never said any of this in interviews after the series, so perhaps this was inadvertent symbolism, or he didn't dare spell it out publicly!).
One of the great things about the series was in every episode "Number 6" was put through a well crafted psyop... Which I feel is perhaps one of the factors in me starting to see through the Covid psyop within a few months (I was a lot slower than some, but it dawned on me pretty soon that this was just all odd).
YEAH. There it is.
Oh, how can we possibly think that these amazing things we're just recently learning about-- at least I speak for myself on that-- could have materialized without a few decades of planning and creating? These Nasties have been hard at work AT LEAST since WWII, and surely before that. But what is still hidden that we haven't found out about yet? I'm wanting to rip that curtain down and shred it for hamster cages.